Vodcasting vs. Podcasting: Which Should You Choose?

Wondering whether you should stick to an audio-only format for your podcast or go all in with a video?

In the universe of digital content, the podcast and its burgeoning visual sibling, the vodcast, stand as the new frontiers for seasoned audio auteurs and content creators.

But how do you choose between the allure of vodcasting—capturing not just voices but also faces—and the time-honored tradition of podcasting, where a captivating story is spun without the crutch of visuals?

This article will weigh the pros and cons of vodcasting and podcasting, helping creators and marketers make informed decisions to build and enhance their digital presence.

Defining Vodcasting and Podcasting

To begin, we must understand the terrain.

Vodcasting, also known as video podcasting or vlogging via podcast platforms, harnesses the dynamic nature of video content to engage viewers.

Podcasting, on the other hand, is the venerable voice-only delivery beloved by millions for its intimate connection with ideas communicated ‘ear-to-ear.’

Pros and Cons of Vodcasting

Visual Appeal

The ability of vodcasts to indulge the senses with more than just sound is their most obvious benefit. A face or a process is worth a thousand words, especially when the subject involves visual instruction or demonstration.

Higher Production Costs

The visual requirement of vodcasts often results in higher production costs. The investment can be steep, from additional equipment to the complexity of managing video footage.

Engagement Levels

By its nature, video content seemingly enjoys higher engagement rates, with viewers more likely to tune in and stay around, provided the content is compelling and the visual medium well-explored.

SEO Benefits

YouTube is the world’s second-largest search engine, and vodcasts effectively fuel SEO strategies, providing another entry point for potential followers and clients.

Pros and Cons of Podcasting


With their audio-only format, podcasts are more accessible to busy, multitasking audiences. They travel the world in listeners’ pockets and can be consumed during drives, workouts, or house chores.

Lower Production Costs

The simplicity of podcast production—often little more than a good microphone and some editing software—equates to lower costs, making it an attractive starting point for those with a limited budget or who prefer a minimal tech setup.

Portability and Convenience

The ease with which new episodes may be produced and consumed gives podcasting an edge in terms of staying power in the hearts and ears of subscribers.

Audio-Focused Advantages

Podcasts provoke the listener’s imagination by focusing solely on audio and can sometimes forge a stronger mental connection than vodcasts.


Audience Reach

Vodcasting opens the potential viewer market, pulling in those who prefer to watch content. Podcasting, however, maintains groundwork in the audio realm, which can offer a dedicated audience looking for such content.

Engagement Metrics

While it may seem that vodcasts have higher engagement due to the video component, podcasts can boast more concentrated and potentially active followers who tune in more regularly and are more likely to take action based on content.

Branding Opportunities

Each platform comes with unique branding opportunities – a vodcast might excel at showing the ‘face’ of a brand, while a podcast can create a distinct audio atmosphere and aural brand markers.

Considerations for Content Creators and Marketers

Audience Preferences

Understanding vodcast or podcast audiences’ demographics and preferences is crucial in choosing a format to maximize impact.

Consider your current (or prospective audience), their likes, dislikes, and habits, and how these factors may influence their preference for visual or audio content.

Will they be consuming your show at home or while driving to work? Are they likely to share your content on social media or engage with it through comments and reviews? These are important questions to consider when deciding between vodcasting and podcasting.

Content Strategy Alignment

Where vodcasting offers more visually-driven content, podcasting offers an opportunity for deeper dives in audio storytelling.

Vodcasting could be the preferred medium for those aiming to provide in-depth analysis, tutorials, or discussions where visuals play a critical role. Conversely, podcasting is ideally suited for conversational content, narrative storytelling, or interviews where the focus is on the dialogue and the ideas being shared rather than visual aids.

Integrating guest voices or leveraging sound design can greatly enrich audio content, making it more immersive for the listener.

Ultimately, the decision should reflect the creator’s strengths, audience preferences, and the intrinsic nature of the content itself.

Ensure that whichever you choose aligns well with your overall content strategy.

SEO Implications

The decision between vodcasting and podcasting can greatly affect your SEO strategy, so weighing the SEO implications against other priorities is important.

If your goal is to reach a wider audience through search engines, then vodcasting might be the better choice. However, if building a dedicated community and creating strong brand recognition are priorities, podcasting may offer more long-term benefits.

The Rise of TikTok and Instagram Reels for Podcasting and Vodcasting

The rise of short-form video content on platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels has blurred the lines between vodcasting and podcasting. Creators can combine audio content with visual elements to create engaging short videos catering to both audiences.

With these newer platforms offering more discoverability and potential for virality, incorporating them into your vodcasting or podcasting strategy can be valuable for reaching new audiences and expanding your brand.

If you add video to your podcast, you will already have the audio content to work with, making it easier to create short video snippets for social media. Similarly, vodcasters can repurpose their video content into shorter clips or teaser trailers to promote upcoming episodes on social media.

Making a Case for Doing Both

Benefits of Reaching Audiences in Multiple Formats

Why be confined to one medium when your audience might be open to both? By vodcasting and podcasting, you cover more bases and attract followers that could be missed by one medium alone.

More Content to Promote

With two different forms of content, you provide more value to your audience and more material to promote on varied platforms, increasing your visibility and reach.

Increased Brand Recognition and Connection with the Audience

By creating vodcasts and podcasts, you offer your audience varied experiences that can deepen the connection to your brand through different sensory and emotional levels.

Having the Right Tools

Adding video to your creative mix might seem like a lot of heavy lifting.

While it adds a bit more planning (having a good camera and some basic lighting), having the right recording platform can be a breeze if you have the right recording platform.

For example, Boomcaster is a recording platform that lets you record high-quality audio and video, perfect for vodcasting or podcasting. It also offers features like automatic transcription, sound editing, and background noise cancellation to help streamline the process.

Reaching the Most People with Your Podcast

Ultimately, the choice between vodcasting and podcasting is not an either-or situation but a matter of when and how. But if you’re looking to reach the most people in the most accessible way, incorporating audio and video into your content strategy is best.

Together, they create a powerful and well-rounded digital presence that can capture audiences’ attention in diverse ways.

By understanding the unique powers of each medium, you can craft a content arsenal that serves your audience in the best possible way—whether through their ears or across their screens. For some, the decision might even be to do both, taking advantage of the inclusive properties of a well-rounded digital presence.

The landscape is yours to paint in pixels or parse through soundwaves; all that’s left is to press record.